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CONTEST Nation Roll Call!

5th Line Goon

Welcome to NY Sports Nation!

Please use this thread to introduce yourself to the community! Where you are from, favorite player, share a photo of your pets, hobbies.. whatever you want to share. We will be selecting one lucky winner every month from this thread to win a $50 Fanatics gift card! Be sure to also add an avatar/photo to your Nations account here -> https://www.nysportsnation.com/account/avatar

If you haven't yet, be sure to follow us on Social Media too at www.facebook.com/NYSportsNation
Guess I should go first huh?

I'm your friendly admin and developer of this site. Die hard Rangers fan raised in MSG and CBGB's. I now live in Texas, in the same town that the new Landman series is based off of and filmed at. Along with my Rangers, I'm a Mets, Red Bulls and Giants fan. But my heart belongs to hockey and MMA. I played hockey from the age of 4 though high school, I played for Tottenville out on Staten Island. I play some beer league pick up now. Enjoy games locally from our Jackalopes (hockey), Texas Tech football and Rockhounds baseball.

Ok. Your Turn!

